The writer relayed his own experience on how for a matter of months he went through a phase where he was both smoking and vaping, and points out that for those who are serious about quitting cigarettes, it is important to not get stuck in this “half way territory”. He wrote this article to offer advice on how to get it right, based on his own experiences.
Tips from a successful ex-smoker
The first point the author made was the importance of using a vaporizer in the right way. Since a single cigarette puff contains a much higher level of nicotine than one from an e-cigarette, one needs to first figure out the amount of puffs they need in order to inhale the sufficient amount of nicotine. Failing to obtain the sufficient amount will leave ex-smokers craving the stimulant and might easily lead them to reaching for a cigarette.
It is important to point out that there are many different models of vaporizers, and the ideal ones for smoking cessation are the ones where you can adjust the amount of nicotine you inhale, in order to be able to minimize over time.
Manuel, pointed out the importance of being prepared so you are never caught without a battery or enough liquid and end up slipping again into smoking. Although vaping in general is cheaper than smoking, costing about 30 pounds a month as opposed to 300, it is better to spend a bit more at first in order to stock up properly. Investing in an extra battery, a few coils and e-liquids will ensure you will never have to find yourself in a precarious position.
It is suggested that at first you keep it simple, rather than experimenting with liquid flavours and fancy devices. The simpler and familiar it feels, the easier the transition will be.
Maintaining the right attitude
The ex-smoker suggests not thinking of this journey as “giving up smoking”, but rather breaking a habit. Attitude is everything, so it’s imperative to focus on the goal. He pointed out that at first when you are still vulnerable, triggers should be identified and avoided. So if for example lunch breaks, or lighting up after a meal are weak spots, socialising with fellow smokers at these times should be avoided, until the individual gets stronger. In the beginning, giving up completely shouldn’t be the main focus, and baby steps should be taken, one step and one trigger at a time. Each time a trigger is eliminated, the person can start focusing on overcoming another one.
Read More: Tips on how to successfully use e-cigs to quit smoking
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