We would like to invite you to a celebration. There won’t be any balloons or cake because this is not a birthday. It is a celebration of our right to be smoke-free and to have access to life-saving vapor products. August 8th is National Vaping Day and it is the 2-year anniversary of the day the FDA deeming regulations on vapor products came into effect.
Why is August 8th So Important?
In April of 2014, the FDA proposed its deeming regulations to classify e-cigarettes and vapor products as tobacco products, thereby giving them control over regulating them. Their proposal would be in effect in August if it was approved. The regulations proposed would require permits and lengthy studies of every new product coming into the marketplace and would eliminate nearly every product being sold in vape shops currently.
August 8th is an important date because it calls for advocacy to keep vapor products available to adult vapers and free from burdensome regulations for manufacturers and vendors.
Congress can repeal these regulations if enough of us will make our voices heard. Vapers are voters too and your representatives need reminding of that. They represent the people so let them know how you feel about this issue.
It’s Party Time
So, how do you celebrate National Vaping Day?. On August 8th we are asking everyone to take to their social media channels and tell their story of how vaping changed their lives. You may think that one person can’t make a difference but you are not alone here.
There are multitudes of vapers just like you all around the country and if we all share our success stories in quitting cigarettes there is hope these regulations will be abolished.
The reason that this is an effective method is that as a vaping industry we cannot say certain things or make any type of health claims because this too is regulated by the FDA. We are not allowed to say that vaping is healthier and safer than smoking. But as consumers who have given up cigarettes by using vapor products you can say that you feel healthier, breathe easier, and have had success in staying smoke-free due to the availability of vapor devices.
We ask that when you share your story on social media that you include the hashtags #NationalVapingDay and #VapeWildFights on your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites.
How Can You Join the Fight?
- Tell your story on social media, write your congressman
- Make a donation to help fund advocacy
Vape Wild, a vape shop and manufacturer based out of Dallas TX, is committed to vaping and helping to change the perception of the vaping industry. Read the vape wild review here.
They are showing their support by donating 20% of all e-liquid sales to the Vapor Technology Association (VTA) to fund vaping advocacy and raise awareness of the deeming regulations and what they mean for vapers and the industry itself.
You can make a purchase on their website or if you like you can make a donation to the VTA. Both options will be available on their website on August 8th.
The FDA has postponed these regulations until 2022 but they have also said that there are more regulations to come. The VTA had a hand in convincing the FDA to delay the regulations and hear from vapers directly how these changes would affect them. This is why we are encouraging vapers to tell their story, share their successes, and let the FDA know that vapor devices help people quit cigarettes which in turn saves lives. And we need these products to stay on the shelves and be accessible to adults vapers. Check back frequently to learn about the License to Vape promos and License to Vape coupons we get for our valued customers.
Celebrate National Vaping Day was originally seen on reviews by honestvape
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